
Upcoming TT Workshops

Upcoming TT Workshops

National Squad Online Workshop- Open to all players and parents Date: 6th October Time: 6.30pm-7.30pm Life Lessons – Table Tennis, Education and Professional Career We will be joined by Scottish...

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Longevity in Sport...

Longevity in Sport…

Does longevity and women in sport go hand in hand? We ask Internationals Emma Rose, Sue Collier and Scotland’s own Fiona Kinloch. Head on over to the TTS Youtube...

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From Cadets to Vets

From Cadets to Vets

  Double trouble! Joining Emma Rose for our fireside chat this evening is England international Sue Collier. Same place, but a slightly later start than usual – 7.30pm. Click...

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Barrie Hills 1940-2020

Barrie Hills 1940-2020

There will be much sadness at the news that Barrie Hills of West Lothian Table Tennis Club has died, aged 80. Barrie was a great supporter of the Scottish Veterans’ Table...

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TTS Office Update

TTS Office Update

As you are aware the office of Table Tennis Scotland at Caledonia House has been closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic and, unfortunately, we still do not have access....

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