The Selectors


Stephen Gertsen

TTS Non-Executive Performance Director

Table Tennis Scotland Performance Director, Sports Lecturer at UHI Moray, Performance Lifestyle Practitioner for SportScotland Level 4 coach, masters in Elite Performance. Represented Wales at the Euros, World, and Commonwealth Games. Stephen has coached internationally at all age groups for Wales, England, and Scotland.


Gordon Muir

Gordon is a Development Officer at Murrayfield TTC and has been coaching at the club since 2010. He has helped coach several Scottish internationalists in group classes and on a one to one basis. Furthermore, he has attended many Scottish, British and International tournaments in a coaching capacity and has a good knowledge of the Scottish table tennis scene.


Lisa Notarangelo

Lisa is the Local League Coordinator and Administrator for Stirlingshire TTA and has served on their committee for the past 10 years.
She is the Lead Junior Coach at Grange TTC (UKCC Level 2) and as a player has competed locally and nationally for the last 20 years.


Dylan De Silva

Dylan De Silva is head coach at Dumfries TTC. He has been involved with coaching at Dumfries and assisting with junior national training squads for many years. Dylan has represented Scotland’s veterans in the home nations and continues to play at a good level, being a regular feature in the Dumfries national league squad. His main interest, however, is coaching, and he loves a deep dive into the technical and mental aspects of table tennis. He has worked with many of Scotland’s young players on a regular basis, as well as some of Scotland’s seniors, which makes him a great addition to the TTS selection team.


Natalie Gallan


Iain Rhind

Iain has been the driving force behind Glasgow South Table Tennis Club for the last decade, coaching hundreds of players of all ages and developing complete beginners to international level. An accredited UKCC Level 3 coach Iain has been a regular fixture at competitions on the Scottish circuit for many years, giving him a detailed knowledge of the top Scottish players.

Table Tennis Scotland Selection Policy


  1. Purpose and Scope

This Selection Policy for Table Tennis Scotland (TTS) is established to outline the principles, criteria, and procedures governing the selection of athletes to represent TTS in various events, teams, and competitions.


  1. Selection Principles

Table Tennis Scotland is committed to adhering to the following principles in athlete selection:

  1. Merit-Based Selection: Athletes will be selected based on their performance, skill, and merit, as determined by objective criteria.
  2. Transparency: The selection process will be clear, open, and communicated to all eligible athletes.
  3. Equality and Non-Discrimination: Selection decisions will not be influenced by race, gender, age, disability, religion, or any other protected characteristic.
  4. Fairness: The selection process will be impartial and conducted without bias, favoritism, or nepotism.


  1. Eligibility

To be eligible for selection to TTS teams and events, athletes must:

  1. Hold current TTS membership in good standing.
  2. Are eligible to represent TTS in ITTF and ETTU approved competitions and have a valid British Passport
  3. Comply with all relevant TTS and international governing body rules and regulations.


  1. Selection Criteria

The specific criteria for athlete selection may include, but are not limited to:

  1. Performance in TTS-sanctioned events and competitions. Such as Scottish National Championships, North of Scotland Open, North Ayrshire Open, National League and so forth.

b Performance in Table Tennis England junior and senior tournaments

  1. Ranking within the TTS system or relevant international rankings.
  2. Availability and fitness for the specific event
  3. Commitment to National Training Squads will be considered.
  4. Training quantity and intensity of training level will be considered.


  1. Selection Process

The selection panel will meet and discuss all selections, and a voting process where all members of the panel will have an equal voting right (1 vote per panel member). TTS Performance Director will have casting vote if tied.


  1. Communication

This policy will be made readily available to all TTS members and athletes through the TTS website and other official communication channels.


  1. Effective Date

This Selection Policy for Table Tennis Scotland is effective as of 01/08/2024