Summer School 2021
Colin and Adam Wilson are back!
Adam won the 2018 TTE East Midlands Young Volunteer of the Year Award. He is known for his approachable and attentive nature and loves seeing people of all ages progress. He is also especially great working with kids. He was a coach at the Scottish Summer Camp 2019. Of the Scottish Summer Camp 2021 Adam says,
“I’m so excited to be invited back, can’t wait to be a part of such a great experience”.
Colin has helped run Corby Smash Table Tennis Club, which has developed several county representatives as well as an England Junior International, all under 4 years of opening! Colin is a Double Commonwealth Medalist and former British & European University Champion, holds a European Youth Bronze Medal and has been a British Hard Bat (Ping Pong) Champion.
If you are not booked into the Summer School and would like to join Colin, Adam and the team sign up now.
For more information see the flyer below or download the flyer pdf here.
Dave Fairholm –
Performance Director TTScotland