SportScotland lays down the challenge!
Don’t have sports equipment at home? Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered! Chris from our schools and education team is here to set you all a table tennis challenge, using everyday household items. Why don’t you have a go at the challenge and post your video or score below to let us know how you got on? And let us see your home made table tennis tables!
If you missed our great competition to win a day visit to the centre for you and your whole class then please check out our website
Sport at home – table tennis challenge
SPORT AT HOME || Don't have sports equipment at home? Don't worry – we've got you covered! Chris from our schools and education team is here to set you all a table tennis challenge, using everyday household items. Why don't you have a go at the challenge and post your video or score below to let us know how you got on? And let us see your home made table tennis tables! If you missed our great competition to win a day visit to the centre for you and your whole class then please check out our website Tennis Scotland
Posted by sportscotland National Centre Inverclyde on Friday, 3 April 2020