Sandpaper and Hardbat Table Tennis
On Sunday 17th December, two Classic (i.e. non-sponge) Table Tennis tournaments will be held at Ward Road, Dundee. These are open to all – any age, any standard, and any nationality. Bats will be available, you only need to bring yourself and your enthusiasm for TT (tho’ you can bring your own hardbat if you have one).
As well as the traditional annual Scottish Sandpaper Championship this year will see the inaugural Dave Goddard Classic Trophy. Dave played in the D&DTTA league for over a decade, first with Mylnefield and later with St Andrews, and loved the social aspect of TT.
The new event along with the existing Sandpaper event are designed to be social events with a competitive element, so please come along and join us – as a spectator; or to play in either or both events; or simply join us for Domino’s Pizza and a chat at the end of play. For the more serious Classic players, we will be awarding guaranteed places in both the Sandpaper and Hardbat Open events at the 2025 Ping Pong World Cup – even though we don’t yet know where or when it will be held!
Sandpaper is in the morning (9.30am start) and Hardbat is in the afternoon (circa 2pm).
The Pizza pool is open to everyone, £7 a head, please let Juliet know by 1pm to be included. Closing date for entries is Monday (11th December).
For more information email Juliet Johnston:
or check out our website Scottish Tournament | Ping Pong Scotland.