Online National Coach and Player CPD workshops – Sept and Oct

Coach Education

Following the success of the first 2 Coach Education CPD workshops, Table Tennis Scotland are offering more FREE Online opportunities for all TTS coaches/members ? Check out our NEXT 2 workshops…
15th September, 6.30pm-7.30pm- Analysing and Correcting Technique 
7th October, 6.30pm-7.30pm- Developing your Coaching Approach  
These workshops are available to all coaches/members, at all levels of the coaching pathway. 
To book, email to confirm your place. 

National Squad

Following our 5th National Squad workshop on Wednesday, which again received a fantastic response from our players, we have decided to organise 2 more the next National Squad workshops will take place on the below dates.
16th September
6th October
If interested contact Stephen as per email above.



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