National League Week 2
The second set of Scottish National League fixtures of the 2019-20 season take place this SUNDAY (8th December). Lots of good matches in prospect in each division. Defending champions North Ayrshire A...
Continue ReadingThe second set of Scottish National League fixtures of the 2019-20 season take place this SUNDAY (8th December). Lots of good matches in prospect in each division. Defending champions North Ayrshire A...
Continue ReadingIf your name does not appear on the list please in the first intance check you have affilated, all players who have not affilaited by end of Nov are...
Continue ReadingCan I ask that anyone wishing results added to the Scottish ranking system from competitions outside Scotland send them directly to me at All results from Scottish competitions...
Continue ReadingTable Tennis Jersey Grand Prix 10th-12th of April 2020. Entries are now open for the popular three-day Jersey Grand Prix held over the Easter weekend. Good Friday will see...
Continue ReadingThanks to national coach Stephen Gertsen for a great days playing at the Aberdeen player development day
Continue ReadingIt was a clean sweep of titles for Aberdeen youngsters at the Scottish Primary Schools Championships which were held in Bathgate last Saturday. Daniel Tibbetts went one better than...
Continue ReadingClick below for entry form WEST ENTRY 2019
Continue ReadingPlease see below the Schedule and draws for this Saturday’s Scottish Primary Schools Championships. Good luck to all the competitors, many of who will be playing in their first...
Continue ReadingScotland will be participating in the first of a three way triella against Ulster on Friday in Belfast. Part two will be the 3rd January at Bathgate on the...
Continue ReadingPutting in the hours at the National Training Camp 16/17 November 2019. Fantastic facility, intense coaching, great coach/player 7 coach/practice partners to 20 players.
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