L1 Coaching Course – Aberdeen
L1 Coaching Course Westburn Outdoor Centre, Aberdeen, 25 Sep & 6 Nov 2021
We are delighted to advise that we are arranging a L1 Coaching Course at Westburn Outdoor Centre, Aberdeen.
At this time, we would like to hear from anyone who is interested in attending the course which will be run under the expertise of Stephen Gertsen, Director of Coach Education. Application forms will be available from 1st August on our website but initial notes of interest to attend the course should be made by email to Cynthia.robinson@tabletennisscotland.co.uk
We are hoping to cascade more L1 courses in due course. These will also be advertised on our website.
*Please note this course will only run if the minimum number of attendees are met and no further Covid-19 restrictions are put in place.