Dear Members, Colleagues and Friends,
Table Tennis Scotland (TTS) is delighted to welcome everyone to Perth again for the postponed Scottish National Championships from March 2021. While most Covid restrictions have been lifted, the Scottish Government and sportscotland are concerned by the increase in Covid cases in England and therefore continue to urge all participants to remain vigilant, follow the relevant hygiene guidelines and look out for each other.
The Management at Bells Sport Centre together with TTS have taken steps to make the environment and arrangements for competitive play as safe as possible. Please note however that ultimately members who choose to participate in our events must take responsibility for their own safety.
We would ask everyone to use their common sense, stay alert and avoid any situations which may breach the following information and guidelines:
• Please do not travel to our events if Government advice means you should stay at home, for example you or someone you live with develops symptoms of COVID-19, or you are in the most vulnerable category and have been advised to shield from the coronavirus. If you develop symptoms or test positive for COVID-19 after participating in our events, you should also notify us immediately. In these circumstances, please inform the TTS Covid Officer, Richard Yule on 07739 574 356
• Spectators are welcome on both days and are subject to the same guidelines.
• The Centre will open both days for practice at 8.00am.
• In order to support Scotland’s Test and Protect strategy all players, officials and spectators MUST check in on arrival using the Centres QR code system.
• Masks must be worn at all times when moving around the Centre and observe reasonable social distancing.
• Where possible do not congregate or stop to socialise with other players outside the courts before or after play.
• The Centre has placed multiple hand sanitiser units around the venue and all players are encouraged to use these before and after every match.
• Toilets and the changing and showering facilities are open but towels and equipment should not be shared.
• Table tennis etiquette that involves contact (shaking/slapping hands etc) must be suspended for the time being.
• Bring and use only your own water bottle and please make sure you leave the court promptly at the end of your match and do not leave anything behind.
• Please do not sit on the tables and please don’t wipe your hands on the tables.
• Please note the Centre cafeteria is not open so there will be no hot food or drinks catering available other than the vending machines. Players are recommended therefore to bring their own food.
Finally, best wishes to all competitors for a most successful and enjoyable weekend of competition and a huge vote of thanks to our superb team of volunteers, Referee Stewart McGowan, Alison Woods, Lorraine Johnstone and Ken Cadogan who give up their weekend to make it all happen.
Table Tennis Scotland