Dear Members, Colleagues and Friends,

On behalf of everyone at Table Tennis Scotland I hope this final Update for 2020 finds you all well and looking forward to a “Covid secure” Christmas break with your loved ones. As infection rates remain stubbornly high in too many areas however, the message from our colleagues at sportscotland and the Scottish Government at this crucial time in the life of the pandemic is clear: Please be very careful, observe FACTS and follow all of the safety protocols during the Festive Season!

As per the First Minister’s briefing on Tuesday regarding protection levels, all local authority areas which are currently in level 3 will remain there until the next review, and Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire and East Lothian (all currently level 2) will move up to level 3 from 6pm this Friday, 18th December. The latest protection level information can be accessed here.

Coronavirus (COVID-19): local protection levels –

You can find the COVID protection level for each local area and get information on what you can and cannot do at each level from the above links.

Just a reminder that the main impact on table tennis for those areas in Level 3 is that the Bubble system is suspended for adult play and there can be no rotation of playing partners. For those able to play wherever you are in Scotland, enjoy your game but please adhere rigidly to the TTS Return to Play Guidelines.

While the “virtual” TTS office will be closed from Wednesday 23 December until Wednesday 6 January anyone looking for help or clarification on our Return to Play Guidelines will still be able to call the TTS COVID HOTLINE for advice and support: 07739 574 356 or email:

To conclude on a positive note, this Monday, 21st December, will be the Winter Solstice – the shortest day – and thereafter the light will build slowly towards a new spring. There is also light at the end of this very long, dark Coronavirus tunnel with the arrival of the new vaccines which are upon us. Our table tennis future is looking brighter!

On behalf of our Chairman, Terry McLernon MBE, the Board of Directors, Cynthia and myself we wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Richard Yule
07739 574 356
