COVID-19 UPDATE – 20th November
Dear Members, Colleagues and Friends,
Please note the Scottish Government has announced changes to protection levels for local areas, with Glasgow City, Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire, East and West Dunbartonshire, North and South Lanarkshire, East and South Ayrshire, Stirling and West Lothian all moving to level four, effective from TODAY Friday 20 November until Friday 11 December. Midlothian and East Lothian will move down to level two from Tuesday 24 November.
• Please note that travel in and out of these Level 4 areas for table tennis IS NOT PERMITTED and from 6pm tonight these restrictions will be legally enforceable.
• From Tuesday 24 November table tennis activity in Midlothian and East Lothian (Level 2) can continue while adhering to the TTS Return to Play Guidelines
Check the protection level for your area and find out what you can and cannot do under each level
Just another reminder on what this new framework means for the table tennis community in SCOTLAND:
In summary:
• If you are an ADULT PLAYER or COACH resident in a local authority area placed in Levels 0,1,2 the current TTS Return to Play Guidelines continue to apply.
• If, however, you are an ADULT PLAYER resident in a local authority Level 3 area please note the added restrictions which were introduced on 10 October continue to apply. In short this means the BUBBLE system is suspended. Play can take place on multiple tables for example but there can be no changing of partners during the session.
• There is no change to the guidance for under 18s at Levels 0,1,2,3. Under 18 sessions can continue with minimal restrictions.
• Please note if you are a Coach operating in a Level 3 area you can continue to work normally with under 18s but can ONLY offer Adults, a One to One session.
• Level 4: All table tennis activity is suspended.
Travel guidance has been strengthened by the Scottish Government and should always be followed. Further information on what travel is permitted in the five protection levels for each local authority area is available at Coronavirus (COVID-19): local protection levels. Specific information on car sharing is available from Transport Scotland: advice on how to travel safely.
Please note therefore that:
• ADULT PLAYERS resident in a LEVEL 3 area should not be travelling to a LEVEL 0,1,2 area or another LEVEL 3 area to play table tennis.
• ADULT PLAYERS resident in LEVEL 0,1 2 areas should not be travelling to a LEVEL 3 area to play table tennis.
• UNDER 18 PLAYERS CAN TRAVEL between LEVELS 0,1,2,3 for table tennis ALTHOUGH THE Scottish Government would like everyone to stay local whenever possible.
• Travel in and out of Level 4 areas FOR ADULTS AND UNDER 18s is not permitted for table tennis.
• COACHES who earn part or all of their income from table tennis can continue to travel across Levels 0, 1,2 ,3 for work.
• Essential volunteers, parents and officials can travel between Levels 0,1,2,3 to enable sessions to take place.
Table Tennis Scotland is aware that these latest measures are complex but we hope that all members will continue to adhere to our Return to play Guidelines and play a valuable role in helping to restrict the spread of Covid 19.
We are also aware that many of you are still unable to play because most local authorities have not been able to open up their facilities for community use. Rest assured we and our colleagues in sportscotland are working hard with local authorities around Scotland to address this very difficult situation.
Please be patient and if you are able to play table tennis in your local authority area we would ask you to continue to be vigilant, adhere rigidly to our Guidelines and look after each other.
If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to call: Richard Yule: 07739 574 356 (m)
It’s good to talk!
Stay healthy, keep safe and enjoy your game.
Richard Yule
TTS Chief Operating Officer
07739 574 356 (M)