Awards Nominations
To all Leagues, Members, Coordinators.
The Awards Committee are looking for Nominations for the following awards.
Harry Baxter Award – This will be awarded to a player/official that has shown outstanding service at national level for the advancement of Table tennis in Scotland.
Honorary Life Member – This will be awarded mainly to officials of the local association who had shown long and dedicated service to table tennis in the local area or officials who have given dedicated service to Table Tennis Scotland.
Honorary Vice President – This will be awarded to officials who have shown long and distinguished service at national level for the benefit of table tennis.
TTS Merit Award –This award covers volunteers to T.T.S. not included in the other honours above, but nevertheless deserved.
Nominations for the Harry Baxter Award should be received by 31st March 2022. HLM, HVP & TTS MA nominations should be received by 10th April 2022.